About Me

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Officially, I am Boowire Sunny Bay a Welsh Terrier. I think there's some mistake in this name for surely I am Ozymandias King of Kings. Ask my two human servants - they will tell you. For day to day purposes I use the name Archie though for some reason, my servants address me by many different names.

Monday 21 November 2011

On Snow

I love snow!  Digging through my video archive I came across this one.  It snows every Christmas here in Manchester and lasts about three weeks - my human staff say this is not true and that it is rare for the Rainy City to have much snow at all.  What do they know?  It has snowed every Christmas of my life!  Can't wait for the next big one!


  1. Hi Archie!
    Any furiend of 'George the Lad' is a furiend of ours!! Nice to meet you. We love snow too...a LOT, but we don't get enuff of the white stuff here in Oregon City!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  2. Hopefully there will be a feature film to come!What wonderful snow! I love Archie Ogg!
